Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

Dynamics of collagen molecules in aqueous solutions containing metal ions with different ionic radii

G.P. Petrova$^1$, Y.M. Petrusevich$^2$, I.A. Perfil’eva$^1$, M.S. Ivanova$^1$, Chzhan Syaolei$^2$

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2008. 63. N 4. P. 296

  • Article

The dynamic parameters of collagen molecules in aqueous solutions were assessed by the photon-correlation spectroscopy method. The dependences of translational diffusion coefficients as a function of pH in pure aqueous collagen solutions and in solutions containing salts of different metals such as Na, Ca, K, Pb were established. It has been reported that the size of a metal’s ionic radius affects intermolecular interactions and the mobility of collagen molecules in solution.

G.P. Petrova$^1$, Y.M. Petrusevich$^2$, I.A. Perfil’eva$^1$, M.S. Ivanova$^1$, Chzhan Syaolei$^2$
$^1$Molecular Physics Department, Moscow State University, 119899, Moscow, Russia
$^2$Medical Physics Department, Moscow State University, 119899, Moscow, Russia
Issue 4, 2008

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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