The EAS MSU array experimental data are analyzed in relation to the primary cosmic ray composition in the energy range above 10$^{17}$–10$^{18}$ eV. The problem of the existence of an additional cosmic ray component, which cannot be explained in the framework of traditional mechanism of Galactic cosmic ray production, is considered. The fraction of gamma-quanta in the primary cosmic radiation is evaluated as well.
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
N.N. Kalmykov$^1$, Jorge Cotzomi$^2$, V.P. Sulakov$^1$, Yu.A. Fomin$^1$
$^1$Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
$^2$Chair of Cosmic Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
$^1$Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
$^2$Chair of Cosmic Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia