Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Atmospheric UV light and comparing of its intensity with the electron flux variations at satellite orbit (“Universitetsky-Tatiana" satellite data)

N.N. Veden’kin, A.V. Dmitriev, G.K. Garipov, P.A. Klimov, V.S. Morozenko, I.N. Myagkova, M.I. Panasyuk, S.N. Petrova, I.A. Rubinshtein, U. Salazar, S.I. Svertilov, V.I. Tulupov, B.A. Khrenov, V.M. Shakhparonov, A.V. Shirokov, I.V. Yashin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2009. 64. N 4. P. 450

  • Article

The ultraviolet radiation of the night atmosphere and electron fluxes with energies higher than 70 keV are measured simultaneously onboard the satellite Universitetskii-Tatiana. It has been revealed that the mean intensity of ultra-violet radiation increases and this could be due to electron acceleration in atmospheric electric discharges with further capture by the geomagnetic field and electron precipitation in conjugated points of the geomagnetic field.

Received: 2009 January 28
Approved: 2009 September 23
94.05.Rx Experimental techniques and laboratory studies
92.60.hw Airglow and aurorae
52.80.Mg Arcs; sparks; lightning; atmospheric electricity
N.N. Veden’kin, A.V. Dmitriev, G.K. Garipov, P.A. Klimov, V.S. Morozenko, I.N. Myagkova, M.I. Panasyuk, S.N. Petrova, I.A. Rubinshtein, U. Salazar, S.I. Svertilov, V.I. Tulupov, B.A. Khrenov, V.M. Shakhparonov, A.V. Shirokov, I.V. Yashin
НИИ ядерной физики имени Д.В. Скобельцына, Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова. Россия, 119991, Москва, Ленинские горы, д. 1, стр. 2
Issue 4, 2009

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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