Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

High-order mode of polymeric waveguide selective excitation

O.E. Naniy, E.G. Pavlova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2009. 64. N 5. P. 555

  • Article

Conditions for the selective excitation of multimode waveguide high-order modes by power trans-formation of fundamental modes of a tunnel connected waveguide are calculated. It is shown that the power conversion factor can reach 100% under phase-matching conditions, which can be satisfied by the selection of a second waveguide refractive index.

Received: 2009 April 10
Approved: 2009 October 9
42.81.Qb Fiber waveguides, couplers, and arrays
O.E. Naniy, E.G. Pavlova
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 5, 2009

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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