Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Methods of complex analysis in model calculations of the magnetospheres of relativistic stars

I.V. Oreshina, B.V. Somov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2010. 65. N 6. P. 521

  • Article

In this paper the two-dimensional problem is solved for the magnetosphere of a relativistic compact star. The direct and reverse currents in the magnetotail are calculated, as well as the force exerted by the magnetic field on the edge of the current layer. The dependence of the solution on the parameters of the model is investigated.

Received: 2010 May 11
Approved: 2011 April 13
97.10.Ex Stellar atmospheres
97.10.Ld Magnetic and electric fields; polarization of starlight
I.V. Oreshina, B.V. Somov
State Astronomical Institute, Moscow, Russia
Issue 6, 2010

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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