Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

The capture of large bottom particles by eddies in a dam break flow

O.N. Mel’nikova, V.N. Semenyuk

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2010. 65. N 6. P. 550

  • Article

On the base of an experimental study of the boundary layer of the head of a dam break flow it is shown that the thickness of a viscous layer exceeds the bottom particle diameter $d_p$, increases with $d_p$, and decreases with the flow velocity (for ${d_p<1.2}$ cm). Bottom particles are captured by satellite eddies, which originate from main eddies near the bottom. Main eddies periodically appear in the viscous layer if the flow decelerates downstream. If ${d_p>0.045}$ cm the satellite diameter is smaller than $d_p$. Satellites close in and run into one eddy, which can contain the bottom particles if the flow velocity achieves a critical value $U_{\rm dip}$. Particles can be captured when the flow velocity has a higher value${U_{\rm cr}>U_{\rm dip}}$. It is possible under this condition that a particle starts to rotate in the satellite without slippage.

Received: 2010 April 27
Approved: 2011 April 13
92.40.Cy Modeling; general theory
92.40.Gc Erosion and sedimentation; sediment transport
92.40.Ha Debris flow and landslides
47.32.cb Vortex interactions
O.N. Mel’nikova, V.N. Semenyuk
Department of the Physics of Sea and Earth Waters, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Issue 6, 2010

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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