Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Low-frequency dielectric properties and conductivity of a polyvinylcaprolactam-water system

N.D. Gavrilova, I.A. Malyshkina, E.E. Makhaeva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2011. 66. N 1. P. 45

  • Article

The dielectric relaxation and conductivity of polyvinylcaprolactam (PVCL)-water systems of different compositions (with water contents of ∼ 1,5, and 24 wt %) were studied by means of dielectric spectroscopy ($10^{-1}$-$10^7$ Hz) at −100−50°C. It was found that the conductivity of samples with a low content of water upon cooling has an activation character, whereas a cooperative mechanism of conduction holds for the PVCL-water system with 24 wt % water, which switches to an activation character of interactions of water with polymer changes in the course of a glass transition.

Received: 2010 June 21
Approved: 2011 April 13
77.22.Gm Dielectric loss and relaxation
72.80.Le Polymers; organic compounds
82.35.Lr Physical properties of polymers
N.D. Gavrilova, I.A. Malyshkina, E.E. Makhaeva
Chair of Physics of Polymers and Crystals, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Issue 1, 2011

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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