Results of the simulation of diffusion and phase formation in lamellar Fe-Zr systems subject to sequential isothermal annealing are presented. The simulation is performed in the framework of a physical model whose basis is Darken’s phenomenological theory and the mechanism of mutual diffusion of components along continuous phase channels in two-phase regions of the system. The results of simulation agree well with the data obtained using Mossbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry; this indicates that the character of phase transformations in the studied lamellar systems is determined by the change of local component concentration in the course of mutual diffusion and corresponds to the specific features of phase diagram of equilibrium states of the binary system.
$^1$Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
$^2$Institute of Nuclear Physics, National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ul. Ibragimova 1, Almaty, 050032, Kazakhstan