The temperature dependences of liquid cesium resistivity are calculated using smooth nonlocal model pseudopotentials (SNMP). The calculations were performed for temperatures of 35, 150, 280, 310, 470, and 630°C, both with temperature-dependent SNMP parameter variations and without them. The SNMP parameters of liquid cesium were determined based only on the experimental values of free ion terms without applying any methods of adjustment to the electrical resistivity of cesium. Application of SNMP makes it possible to substantially improve the similarity of the temperature dependences for calculated and experimentally obtained electrical resistivities of liquid cesium as compared to the calculations based on local model potentials.
Received: 2010 December 15
Approved: 2011 December 14
71.15.Dx Computational methodology
72.15.Cz Electrical and thermal conduction in amorphous and liquid metals and alloys
72.15.Cz Electrical and thermal conduction in amorphous and liquid metals and alloys
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
O.B. Krisko$^1$, V.M. Kuznetsov$^2$, V.M. Silonov$^2$, T.V. Skorobogatova$^3$
$^1$Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, 600005, Russia
$^2$Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
$^3$Faculty of Science, Kigili Institute of Science and Technology, Kigili, 3900, Rwanda
$^1$Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Vladimir State University, Vladimir, 600005, Russia
$^2$Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
$^3$Faculty of Science, Kigili Institute of Science and Technology, Kigili, 3900, Rwanda