A defect-deformational (DD) model of the formation of a nanoparticle ensemble on the surface of solids under multipulse laser ablation is developed. The DD theory of bimodal nanoparticle size distribution is developed, which expresses size distribution via the bimodal growth rate of DD surface gratings generated by laser irradiation. The obtained size-distribution function corresponds to the experimental data.
Received: 2011 April 8
Approved: 2011 October 14
43.25.Rq Solitons, chaos
66.30.Lw Diffusion of other defects
61.72.Yx Interaction between different crystal defects; gettering effect
81.40.Lm Deformation, plasticity, and creep
66.30.Lw Diffusion of other defects
61.72.Yx Interaction between different crystal defects; gettering effect
81.40.Lm Deformation, plasticity, and creep
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
V.I. Emel’yanov
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia