Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Mixed finite elements used to analyze the real and complex modes of cylindrical waveguides

A.L. Delitsyn, S.I. Kruglov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2011. 66. N 6. P. 546

  • Article

The application of the mixed finite-element method for the analysis of dispersion curves of the cylindrical waveguides with a gradient loading is considered. The test results of the algorithm and the calculations of systems with a variable refractive index are presented. The initiation of complex waves in layered waveguides is shown.

Received: 2011 February 8
Approved: 2012 March 20
41.20.-q Applied classical electromagnetism
A.L. Delitsyn, S.I. Kruglov
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Issue 6, 2011

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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