The dynamics of the Earth’s outer radiation belt were traced at altitudes of 500–830 km during weak geomagnetic disturbances based on the data of simultaneous experiments carried out in November 2009 onboard the CORONAS-Photon solar observatory and the Meteor-M No. 1 artificial satellite. The average statistical profile of external boundary of the outer radiation belt that is characteristic for a quiet magnetosphere has been found from the analysis of variations in the position of the polar boundary of the capture region in the Earth’s magnetosphere.
Received: 2011 May 31
Approved: 2012 March 20
92.60.hw Airglow and aurorae
94.30.Xy Radiation belts
96.60.Vg Particle emission, solar wind
94.30.Xy Radiation belts
96.60.Vg Particle emission, solar wind
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
V.O. Barinova, A.V. Bogomolov, V.V. Kalegaev, I.N. Myagkova, M.I. Panasyuk, D.A. Parunakyan, I.A. Rubinshtein, M.O. Ryazantseva, L.I. Starostin
Skobel’tsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Skobel’tsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia