A (1+1)-dimensional massless Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model is investigated in the limit of a large number of colors. The model describes a system with two quark flavors if $\mu$ baryon and $\mu_I$ isospin chemical potentials occur. The question of whether spatially inhomogeneous chiral and pion condensates can form in a dense quark environment is also examined.
Received: 2011 September 21
Approved: 2012 March 21
11.10.Kk Field theories in dimensions other than four
02.60.Pn Numerical optimization
02.60.Pn Numerical optimization
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
N.V. Gubina$^1$, V.Ch. Zhukovskii$^1$, K.G. Klimenko$^2$, S.G. Kurbanov$^1$
$^1$Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
$^2$Institute of High Energy Physics and Dubna University (Protvino Branch), Moscow oblast, 142281, Russia
$^1$Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
$^2$Institute of High Energy Physics and Dubna University (Protvino Branch), Moscow oblast, 142281, Russia