We investigated the simplest statistical characteristics of a process after inertial detection of noise using a Schottky diode with $\delta$-doping.
Received: 2011 December 21
Approved: 2012 July 4
72.70.+m Noise processes and phenomena
07.57.Kp Bolometers; infrared, submillimeter wave, microwave, and radiowave receivers and detectors
05.40.-a Fluctuation phenomena, random processes, noise, and Brownian motion
07.57.Kp Bolometers; infrared, submillimeter wave, microwave, and radiowave receivers and detectors
05.40.-a Fluctuation phenomena, random processes, noise, and Brownian motion
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
A.V. Klyuev
Department of Radiophysics, Nizhni Novgorod State University, Nizhni Novgorod, 603950, Russia
Department of Radiophysics, Nizhni Novgorod State University, Nizhni Novgorod, 603950, Russia