Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

The influence of hydrogen impurities on the atomic and electronic structures of carbyne crystals

J.G. Korobova, D.I. Bazhanov, V.V. Khvostov, M.B. Guseva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2013. 68. N 1. P. 38

  • Article

An ab initio DFT study of atomic and electronic structure of carbyne crystals was carried out. The influence of hydrogen impurities on carbyne structure was investigated. Calculations with atomic relaxations showed that carbon chains in the carbyne crystal structure are bow-like curved; free-energy calculations showed that the most probable lengths of those chains are four and six atoms, which is in a good agreement with experiments. Carbyne-crystal electronic-structure analysis showed that there is a small gap of 0.09 eV near the Fermi level in four-atomic carbyne, while there is no such gap in six-atomic carbyne. In studying of the hydrogen impurity influence on the atomic and electronic structure of carbyne crystals, hydrogen atoms were embedded in two directions: across and along carbon chains in the crystal. As a result we found that the crystal structure is not distorted in the case of hydrogen embedded across the chains, while the type of bonding between carbon atoms in carbon chains in the carbyne crystal structure depended on the impurity concentration. The crystal structure was distorted when hydrogen was embedded along the chains. The concentration of impurities influences the conductivity of a carbyne crystal.

Received: 2012 July 3
Approved: 2013 March 6
71.20.Ps Other inorganic compounds
J.G. Korobova, D.I. Bazhanov, V.V. Khvostov, M.B. Guseva
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Issue 1, 2013

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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