Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Molecular association processes and fluorescent characteristics of nanomarkers of the fluorescein family in solutions of bovine serum albumin

I.M. Vlasova$^1$, A.A. Kuleshova$^1$, A.A. Vlasov$^2$, A.M. Saletsky$^1$

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2013. 68. N 4. P. 304

  • Article

An analysis of the molecular association and fluorescent characteristics of nanomarkers of the fluorescein family, viz., fluorescein, erythrosine, eosine, and Rose Bengal, in BSA solutions was conducted. For all the markers a decreasing degree of molecular association was observed in the BSA solutions as compared with the solutions without protein. In the solutions with BSA, fluorescence quenching and red shifting of the fluorescence spectrum maximum occurred for the solutions with BAS compared with solutions without protein for the markers of the fluorescein family. The dependences of the degree of molecular association on pH differed for fluorescein and its halogen derivatives. The efficiency dependences of nanomarker binding with BSA on pH differed for fluorescein and its halogen derivatives.

Received: 2013 March 24
Approved: 2013 October 25
87.83.+a Biomedical applications of nanotechnology
87.15.-v Biomolecules: structure and physical properties
I.M. Vlasova$^1$, A.A. Kuleshova$^1$, A.A. Vlasov$^2$, A.M. Saletsky$^1$
$^1$Department of General Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
$^2$Department of Quantum Theory and High Energy Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Issue 4, 2013

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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