The concentration dependence of the short-range order parameters in gold-rich polycrystalline disordered solid gold-copper solutions was investigated using the X-ray diffuse-scattering method. On the X-ray diffuse-scattering patterns of disordered alloys with 75, 83, and 90% gold, diffuse maximums that are typical of short-range order were absent in the region of the possible superstructure reflex (100), but in the region of the possible reflex (110), an intensity rise on the scattering patterns was revealed that noticeably depended on the gold concentration. The application of the method, taking the effects of static displacements on the considered coordination spheres into account, allowed the determination of short-range order parameters for nine coordination spheres. The spectra of short-range order parameters, which was calculated using the least-squares method, had the long-range sign-alternating representation that is inherent in the Cu$_3$Au superstructure. The absolute values of short-range order parameters were detected to decrease with an increase of the gold content in the alloys. The concentration dependence and small values of ordering energy of investigated polycrystalline alloys were revealed on the first coordination sphere using the Clapp-Moss method.
Department of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia