Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Review Article

Nuclear spectroscopy of $^{40-48}$Ca isotops

B.S. Ishkhanov$^{1,2}$, M.E. Stepanov$^{1,2}$, T.Yu. Tretyakova$^2$

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2014. 69. N 6. P. 433

  • Article

The nature of the excited states of the $^{40-48}$Ca isotopes is analyzed in the region of energies below the nucleon separation threshold. A peculiar feature of the $^{40-48}$Ca isotopes is the predominant filling of the $1f_{7/2}$ neutron shell. Interaction between the neutrons of the $1f_{7/2}$ shell and the nucleons of the $1d2s$ core results in formation of multiparticle excited states with a few vacancies in the $1d2s$ shell. The energies of single-particle proton states in the $^{40-48}$Ca isotopes are calculated using the Hartree-Fock potential with the Skyrme potential. The manner in which the energy of single-particle states varies, the magic numbers $N=20, 28$ are formed, and the charge and nucleon density vary in the $^{40-48}$Ca isotopes as the neutron number increases from 20 to 28 is shown. Coherent interactions of the $1f_{7/2}$ shell and $1d2s$ core nucleons also manifest themselves in the region above the nucleon separation threshold, leading to the configuration and isospin splitting of the GDR.

Received: 2014 August 1
Approved: 2015 January 21
21.10.-k Properties of nuclei; nuclear energy levels
27.40.+z 39 ≤ A ≤ 58
21.60.Jz Nuclear Density Functional Theory and extensions
B.S. Ishkhanov$^{1,2}$, M.E. Stepanov$^{1,2}$, T.Yu. Tretyakova$^2$
$^1$Department of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
$^2$Skobel’tsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Issue 6, 2014

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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