Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Phenomenological description of entropy and heat capacity anomalies in lawsonite near phase transitions

S.V. Pavlov, R.A. Romanov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2015. 70. N 1. P. 42

  • Article

The theoretical temperature dependences of the entropy and heat capacity near the phase transitions in considering the phenomenological model describing the sequence of phase transitions in the mineral lawsonite were calculated. Comparison of theoretical curves with the experimental results showed good qualitative agreement.

Received: 2014 May 11
Approved: 2015 March 18
77.80.Bh Phase transitions and Curie point
S.V. Pavlov, R.A. Romanov
S.V. Pavlov, R.A. Romanov Department of general physics and condensed matter physics, Faculty of Physics, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University. Moscow 119991, Russia.
Issue 1, 2015

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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