Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Application of a two-dimensional model to describe the CO2 turbulent transfer in spatially non-uniform forest stand

Yu.V. Mukhartova, N.T. Levashova, A.V. Oltchev, N.E. Shapkina

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2015. 70. N 1. P. 14

  • Article

The numerical two-dimensional model of turbulent transfer of CO$_2$ in the air between a spatially non-uniform vegetation cover and the atmospheric surface layer was developed. The model is based on a one-and-a-half closure scheme for averaged equations of hydrodynamics and CO$_2$ diffusion in the air. The model was used to assess the possible influence of forest canopy heterogeneity on a CO$_2$ turbulent exchange in the atmospheric surface layer. CO$_2$ exchange was simulated at both the forest edge and within clear-cut area.

Received: 2014 July 29
Approved: 2015 March 18
02.30.Jr Partial differential equations
92.60.Fm Boundary layer structure and processes
91.62.La Carbon cycling, nitrogen cycling
Yu.V. Mukhartova, N.T. Levashova, A.V. Oltchev, N.E. Shapkina
Yu.V. Mukhartova: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Physics, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University. Moscow 119991, Russia. N.T. Levashova: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Physics, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University. Moscow 119991, Russia. A.V. Oltchev: A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of RAS. Moscow , Russia. N.E. Shapkina: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Physics, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University. Moscow 119991, Russia.
Issue 1, 2015

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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