The structure of the magnetic field in the magnetospheric during the storm of February 14, 2009 is studied. The model parameters that characterize the magnetospheric magnetic field are calculated every hour on the basis of solar wind data and the evolution of the magnetic field during the storm is reproduced using the A2000 model of the Earth’s magnetosphere. It is shown that extremely quiet geomagnetic conditions in 2009 promoted the expansion of the magnetosphere and were favorable for the formation of magnetic- island-like structures (plasmoids) in the geomagnetic tail. It is ascertained that negative variations in the Bz component could occur in the nightside magnetosphere in situations where the magnetic flux through the tail lobes exceeded certain thresholds, which depend on the parameters of the magnetospheric current systems. It is shown that the formation of magnetic islands decreases the magnetic flux through the tail lobes and prevents excessively strong development of the magnetic field in the tail. Magnetotail
91.25.-r Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; geoelectricity
94.30.C- Magnetospheric configuration and dynamics
Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russia