Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

The dose kernels of pencil and differential pencil photon beams with the spectrum of treatment machines with a $^{60}$Co source in water and their analytical approximation

V.A. Klimanov$^{1,2,3}$, A.N. Moiseev$^4$, M.A. Kolyvanova$^{2,3}$, V.L. Romodanov$^1$, A.P. Chernyaev$^2$

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2016. 71. N 4. P. 431

  • Article

This article presents the results of calculations by the Monte Carlo method in the EGSnrc toolkit of the spatial distributions of absorbed energy or dose kernels in water for a pencil beam or differential pencil beam (point spread function) with the spectrum of ROKUS-M treatment machines. The photon spectrum of the ROKUS-M machines was also calculated by the Monte Carlo method. The calculated dose-kernel results were approximated separately for the radial distribution of the primary and the scattered component of dose kernels by sums of exponential functions divided by the squared radius for a differential pencil beam and by the radius for a pencil beam. This approximation makes direct implementation possible for wellknown model-based techniques for finding 3D dose distributions in external radiation therapy. A simple analytical procedure to verify approximation formulas is proposed. It is also applicable in independent checks of dose distributions along the treat beam axis, which is an important guideline of the Radiation Therapy Quality Assurance Program.

Received: 2015 October 16
Approved: 2016 October 12
V.A. Klimanov$^{1,2,3}$, A.N. Moiseev$^4$, M.A. Kolyvanova$^{2,3}$, V.L. Romodanov$^1$, A.P. Chernyaev$^2$
$^1$Department of Medical Physics, Faculty of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI». Moscow 115409, Russia.
$^2$Department of Accelerator Physics and Radiation Medicine, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russia.
$^3$State Research Center — Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow 123182, Russia.
$^4$Federal State Autonomous Institution «Medical Rehabilitation Center», Russian Federation Ministry of Health, Moscow 125367, Russia.
Issue 4, 2016

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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