This work deals with effect of the bathymetry data quality on accuracy of the tsunami wave field calculations. It demonstrates that current digital bathymetry maps (i.e. GEBCO) do not ensure adequate accuracy in reproducing the bottom topography for numerical modeling of wave propagation which can result in significant errors in assessment of tsunami runup at the coast.
Received: 2016 May 31
Approved: 2017 January 24
92.10.hl Tsunamis
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
E.A. Kulikov, V.K. Gusiakov, A.A. Ivanova, B.V. Baranov
$^1$Russia, 117997, Moscow, Nakhimovsky pr., 36, IO RAS
$^1$Russia, 117997, Moscow, Nakhimovsky pr., 36, IO RAS