We calculate one-loop mass and vertex (at zero momentum transfer) operators of an electron in a weak background tensor field that violates Lorentz invariance. The upper bounds on the background field strength are obtained using modern experimental values of the electron mass and charge.
Received: 2016 August 24
Approved: 2017 June 8
11.30.Cp Lorentz and Poincaré invariance
12.20.-m Quantum electrodynamics
12.60.-i Models beyond the standard model
12.20.-m Quantum electrodynamics
12.60.-i Models beyond the standard model
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
A.V. Borisov, T.G. Kiril'tseva
$^1$Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
$^1$Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University