The operation of a miniature magneto-plasma compressor with low-voltage power-supply system was studied experimentally and the current and voltage drop under discharge were measured. It was found that the voltage drop remains practically constant during discharge and amounts to a few tens of volts. The performed electrotechnical analysis made it possible to determine the efficiency of the power-supply system depending on the initial voltage of the energy storage, the discharge burning voltage and the discharge circuit parameters (capacitance, inductance, and resistance).
Received: 2017 January 10
Approved: 2018 June 25
52.50.Dg Plasma sources
52.59.Dk Magneto-plasma accelerated plasmas
52.59.Dk Magneto-plasma accelerated plasmas
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
K. I. Deshko, V. A. Chernikov
$^1$Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Physics, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University. Moscow 119991, Russia.
$^1$Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Physics, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University. Moscow 119991, Russia.