Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

The Influence of the McCumber Parameter on Parametric Amplification of High-Frequency Radiation by Josephson Junctions

V. C. Zhukovskii$^1$, O. D. Pozdnyakova$^3$, V. D. Krevchik$^2$, M. B. Semenov$^2$, A. V. Shorokhov$^3$

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2018. 73. N 2. P. 211

  • Article

The influence of the internal capacity of a Josephson junction on the parametric amplification of external electromagnetic radiation was studied in terms of a resistively and capacitively shunted junction model. The influence of the McCumber parameter on parametric amplification was clarified. It is shown that the additional regions of amplification can occur near subharmonic Shapiro steps in the case of Josephson junctions with internal capacity

Received: 2017 June 12
Approved: 2018 July 23
74.50.+r Tunneling phenomena; Josephson effects
74.81.Fa Josephson junction arrays and wire networks
V. C. Zhukovskii$^1$, O. D. Pozdnyakova$^3$, V. D. Krevchik$^2$, M. B. Semenov$^2$, A. V. Shorokhov$^3$
$^1$Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, chair of Theoretical Physics.\
$^2$Penza State University\
$^3$National Research Mordovia State University
Issue 2, 2018

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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