Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Tips for Authors

Preparation for Submission: Editorial Guidelines

Color Figures

Color figures are not allowed in print for all the journals, only grayscale, but for the Memoirs of the Physics Faculty journal color figures are welcome, as this is online-only journal. Electronic figures submitted in color (PostScript or EPS preferred) for this journal will be published online in color at no extra charge to authors. Note, however, that grayscale images printed from color figures do not generally have monotonic gray scales.


Check the accuracy of your references. (Avoid broken links in the online version of the journal.) Include the complete source information for any references cited in the abstract. (Do not cite reference numbers in the abstract. Abstracts are reprinted in various abstract journals and databases where the numerical citation is not useful.)

For the originally published papers in Russian, pay special attention to their references in English translation of your manuscript. Check if the reference in English translation of your manuscript correctly cite the respective English translation of the initial reference, not its Russian origin. The matter is that in the English translation the volume, issue and pages are different from those for the Russian publication. Also, check carefully how the title of the journal is translated (it must coincide with that one mentioned in the Web of Science/Journal Citation Report), as well as if the translations of the authors names and initials are correct. All this will ensure that the references in your paper will not be lost as citations in the Web of Science or Scopus.

Number references in text consecutively, starting with [1].


The papers are accepted in Russian and English. Use a spell checker. (Referees are not favorably impressed by careless mistakes.)


With your submission, include a list of possible referees who are experts on the subject matter and not your close colleagues. Please consider including younger individuals who, while possibly less well known, are sufficiently knowledgeable to be effective referees.

Preparation for Submission: Technical Guidelines

Please use standard Windows fonts in any Word document. If you use an unusual font, we will probably not have it and, therefore, be unable to convert your Word document to PDF for viewing.

Include figures in your Word document as pictures. Include equations by using Word's built-in editor, and tables by using Word's Table Editor. Please do not embed any of these items as objects, since this will cause a problem with our conversion of your file to PDF.

Submit separate figure files (PostScript or EPS preferred) in addition to embedding the figures in the manuscript if you submit in MS Word or PDF format. Although we discourage the use of any unusual fonts, if it is necessary, please embed these type fonts in your PostScript or EPS files so that we are able to generate proper output.

For LaTeX files, please run BibTeX before submitting your paper, and include (read-in) the resulting .bbl file within the reference section of your paper.

If your attempted submission is not successful, please do not begin a new submission. Please continue with the same attempted submission, or send a message to us for further assistance. Do not start numerous, unnecessary submissions.

When sending a message for assistance, please be sure to include the full text of any error messages received. This will help us to determine quickly and resolve the source of any problems encountered.

After Submission

In any resubmission letter, provide

  • a concise summary of your rebuttal to the major points of criticism raised by the referees;
  • a point by point, polite, professional response to the referee reports;
  • a list of changes.

If your paper is accepted, please check the proofs carefully, even if you have submitted your paper as an electronic file. (The conversion, copy-editing, and formatting processes will inevitably introduce changes and some errors might result.)