Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Issue 1, 1967

Discrete stationary states in the higher sectors of the lee model

Discrete stationary states in the higher sectors of the lee model

V.B. Gostev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 1

The integral equations for the wave functions of discrete stationary states of the higher, single-fermion sectors of the Lee model are solved approximately by successive replacement of the nucleus by degenerate forms. A connection is found between an energy level and the reaction constant. It is shown that not more than one discrete state can exist in each sector, the energy of which tends to a finite limit as the reaction constant increases, and that the energy levels of the discrete states of different sections are equidistant for very strong binding.

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The effect of intermolecular reaction on the form of the lines of raman scattering of pyridine in solutions containing formic and acetic acids

The effect of intermolecular reaction on the form of the lines of raman scattering of pyridine in solutions containing formic and acetic acids

L. Singurelu and P.A. Bazhulin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 5

The effect of intermolecular reaction on the intensity and width of lines of Raman scattering of pyridine in solutions containing acetic and formic acids is investigated. The equilibrium constants К and the reaction energy ∆U for the pyridine-formic acid and pyridine-acetic acid systems are determined from the temperature dependence of the pyridine line intensity in ternary mixtures.

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Turbulent heat exchange and heat flows in the surface layer of the sea

Turbulent heat exchange and heat flows in the surface layer of the sea

A.A. Pivovarov, E.P. Anisimova, and L.A. Bukina

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 8

The turbulent vertical-exchange coefficient and the heat-flow coefficient in the surface layer of the sea are calculated on the basis of experimental data and an extension of Fjeldstad's method. The amplitudes and phases of the radiative and turbulent heat flows and their ratios are estimated.

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Conformal galilean space (friedmann-lobachevskii space)

Conformal galilean space (friedmann-lobachevskii space)

D.F. Kurdgelaidze

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 12

Einstein's equation is considered in Friedmann-Lobachevskii space. The equation of state is given in the general form and in the particular cases p=0, p= ρ/3; in the case p=ρ closed ana lytic solutions are given. The properties of the solutions obtained under the transformations λ⇆-λ are examined and solutions are shown to exist which give a change from expansion to compression when λ⇆-λ.

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The motion of an electron m the field of a plane electromagnetic wave

The motion of an electron m the field of a plane electromagnetic wave

I.M. Ternov, A.M. Khapaev, and Yu.I. Klimenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 18

The solutions of the Dirac equation for an electron in the field of a plane electromagnetic wave, distinguished according to the states of polarization of electron spin, are considered. As an application of the solutions obtained we examine the problem of the Compton scattering of light by a moving polarized electron.

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Experimental investigation of a two-stage twt frequency multiplier

Experimental investigation of a two-stage twt frequency multiplier

R.M. Mamedli, G.G. Solodar, and L.A. Yatsenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 23

A centimeter-wave-band frequency multiplier in a sealed-off envelope with two helices through which a common electron beam pass was constructed and investigated. For a multiplication ratio of three, a positive conversion coefficient of the order of 30 dB is obtained. It is established that the maximum output power of the multiplier is comparable with the power delivered by the second stage under saturation conditions when used as an amplifier. The possibility of operating the multiplier over a wide frequency band is demonstrated.

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The diagrammatic approach to the theory of direct nuclear reactions

The diagrammatic approach to the theory of direct nuclear reactions

L.D. Blokhintsev, E.I. Dolinskii, and V.V. Turovtsev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 28

The connection between the matrix elements of direct nuclear reactions in the usual formalism, which employs wave functions, and in the diagrammatic approach is studied. In the case of stripping (capture), inelastic scattering, spallation, and double decay reactions and a specific choice of vertex functions in the diagrams, the matrix elements of these two methods are identical. The problem of what vertex functions should be used in the sequential diagrammatic approach is discussed.

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Gas flow close to a diaphragm in a shock tube

Gas flow close to a diaphragm in a shock tube

L.S. Shtemenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 34

A picture of the gas flow close to a gradually opening diaphragm in a shock tube is obtained. The velocity distribution in the shock wave along the length of the tube, in the range of Mach numbers 2.13 to 2.75, is found for various diaphragm opening speeds. The gas flow in the tube is substantially nonuniform and depends on the way the diaphragm opens.

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Effect of elastic and plastic deformations on the magnetic properties of type 1KXl8N9T austenitic steel

Effect of elastic and plastic deformations on the magnetic properties of type 1KXl8N9T austenitic steel

P.N. Stetsenko and L.M. Novikova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 39

The variation of the magnetostatic parameters of type lKhl8N9T austenitic steel under elastic and plastic deformations is investigated. It is shown that not only the amount of deformation but also the manner in which the deformation is carried out has an important effect on the process of austenite decomposition in this steel.

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The magnetic properties of gadolinium-yttrium alloys

The magnetic properties of gadolinium-yttrium alloys

K.P. Belov and L.I. Solntseva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 42

The temperature dependence of the magnetization, the coercive force, and the galvanomagnetic effect of gadolinium-yttrium alloys containing 10, 25 and 35at% yttrium was measured. These curves have an anomalous shape similar to that observed on the corresponding curves for pure gadolinium at temperatures of 210-250°К [3]. They are also similar to the anomalies on the magnetization curves obtained for gadolinium-yttrium alloys with large yttrium contents (greater than 40 at.%) described in [1,2]. We establish that annealing of the alloys changes these anomalies and even makes them disappear. It is suggested that the nature of the anomalous magnetic properties in gadolinium-yttrium alloys and in pure gadolinium are the same and that this is due to breakdown of the noncollinear configurations of the magnetic moments.

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A five-dimensional relativistic scheme (III)

A five-dimensional relativistic scheme (III)

Yu.P. Pyt'ev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 45

Five-dimensional relativistic space is investigated.

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Physical processes of cloud-layer formation

Physical processes of cloud-layer formation

A.Kh. Khrgian

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 50

The theory of low cloud-layer formation is considered in both the stationary and nonstationary cases. Experimental data obtained by aircraft observations have enabled us to detail the picture of the physical processes—the radiative cooling of clouds, the lagging of the condensation process behind an adiabatic process, and the evaporation from the ground and from the upper cloud-layer surface—affecting the development of low cloud layers.

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Resonant oscillations and rotations in some mechanical systems

Resonant oscillations and rotations in some mechanical systems

L.D. Akulenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 55

The general kind of resonance in a system containing a linear rotational coordinate and an N-dimensional quasistatical vector is investigated. The methodology developed in this paper is illustrated on some actual mechanical methods.

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The root locus method in the investigation of nonlinear automatic systems permitting harmonic linearization

The root locus method in the investigation of nonlinear automatic systems permitting harmonic linearization

Yu.I. Kuznetsov and K.F. Teodorchik

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 60

The root locus method is proposed for analyzing nonlinear automatic systems permitting harmonic linearization. Procedures for using this method are developed. A third-order nonlinear system is considered as an example.

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A system of input resonators for a 4 Gc quadrupole amplifier

A system of input resonators for a 4 Gc quadrupole amplifier

M.M. Kovalevskii and A.S. Roshal

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 63

It is shown that using a system of uncoupled input resonators the band of low-noise operation of a quadrupole amplifier can be made commensurable with its amplification band.

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Scattering theory for a system of n nonrelativistic particles

Scattering theory for a system of n nonrelativistic particles

V.V. Alekseev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 65

Effect of spin-orbital splitting on the structure of dipole resonance in atomic nuclei

Effect of spin-orbital splitting on the structure of dipole resonance in atomic nuclei

F.A. Zhivopistsev, V.M. Moskovkin, and N.P. Yudin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 66

Interferometric determination of the profile of a shock wave

Interferometric determination of the profile of a shock wave

I.V. Skokov, A.I. Akimov, and G.I. Kromskii

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 67

Induced transitions of a radiating electron under the action of nonmonochromatic external radiation

Induced transitions of a radiating electron under the action of nonmonochromatic external radiation

V.Ch. Zhukovskii, Yu.A. Korovin, and V.R. Khalilov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 68

The quasi-elastic mechanism of the (α,2α) reaction at low and medium energies

The quasi-elastic mechanism of the (α,2α) reaction at low and medium energies

D.V. Meboniya

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 70

Some clebsch-gordan coefficients for the group SU_6

Some clebsch-gordan coefficients for the group SU_6

R.M. Asherova, Yu.F. Smirnov, and V.E. Troitskii

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 71

Relaxation in a coulomb quasi-equilibrium plasma

Relaxation in a coulomb quasi-equilibrium plasma

V.V. Logvinov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 73

An analogue-digital logarithmic converter using an oscillatory circuit

An analogue-digital logarithmic converter using an oscillatory circuit

Yu.V. Mineev and I.D. Rapoport

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 1. P. 75