Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Issue 5, 1978

Nonlinear theory of parametric interaction of non-monochromatic waves

Nonlinear theory of parametric interaction of non-monochromatic waves

Yu.E. D'yakov and S.Yu. Nikitin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 5. P. 1

We propose a method of investigating the parametric interaction of nonmonochromatic light waves in the case that one of the waves has a spectrum which is appreciably narrower than those of the other two waves. For the passing interaction we investigate the effect of non-monochromaticity on the efficiency and spatial period of the transformation. We determine the domain of applicability of the approximate approach developed here.

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Tunable acousto-optical filter in lithium niobate crystal

Tunable acousto-optical filter in lithium niobate crystal

V.B. Voloshinov, V.N. Parygin, and V.B. Khaptanov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 5. P. 5

We examine the possibility of using noncollinear anisotropic Bragg diffraction of light on ultrasonic waves to filter optical radiation. We construct a model acousto-optical filter in a crystal of lithium niobate which has a transmission band of several tens of Angstroms and is tunable electrically and mechanically in the optical region.

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Photographic density curve of x-ray film used for cosmic ray research and bombarded by 30-MeV positrons

Photographic density curve of x-ray film used for cosmic ray research and bombarded by 30-MeV positrons

L.Z. Dzhilavyan, E.A. Zamchalova, A.V. Lelekov, I.V. Rakobol'skaya, and N.V. Sokol'skaya

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 5. P. 10

The density curve was measured of an RT-6M x-ray film bombarded by a positron beam of 30 MeV energy in a linear electron accelerator at an irradiation density from 0.01 to $4 μm^{-2}$. It is proposed to use x-ray film in combination with nuclear emulsion for absolute calibration of monitors for weak currents of relativistic charged-particle beams.

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Magnetic isolation in conical and cylindrical geometries

Magnetic isolation in conical and cylindrical geometries

0.I. Vasilenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 5. P. 14

The magnetic isolation of rotating electron beams in systems with conical and cylindrical electrode geometry is considered when the electrostatic potential depends on only one coordinate, and the trajectories of the electrons lie on equipotentials. The characteristics of rotating and nonrotating beams are compared.

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Stability of plane shock waves

Stability of plane shock waves

A.I. Klimov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 5. P. 19

We use thermodynamic and dynamic approaches for solution of the problem of stability of plane shock waves in an inhomogeneous medium. For the case of strong shock waves these approaches give equivalent results.

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A new version op nonlinear electrodynamics (I)

A new version op nonlinear electrodynamics (I)

V.N. Ponomarev and E.V. Smetanin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 5. P. 25

We obtain the equations of a nonlinear electromagnetic field (and Proca field), the nonlinearity of which is due to the spin-spin interaction induced by the contortion of space-time, and study the electrostatic solution of these equations both in Minkowski space and in a curved space-time.

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Incidental and opposed parametric interaction between nonmonochromatic waves

Incidental and opposed parametric interaction between nonmonochromatic waves

Yu.E. D'yakov and S.Yu. Nikitin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 5. P. 33

Using the approximate approach developed in a previous paper the incidental parametric interaction of light waves with monochromatic pumping and opposed parametric interaction with nonmonochromatic pumping is investigated. The change in the spectra of the interacting waves is discussed. The effect of the nonmonochromaticity on the saturation effects is analyzed.

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Determination of the concentration of the magnetic phase in highly disperse ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials

Determination of the concentration of the magnetic phase in highly disperse ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials

0.S. Galkina arid L.V. Lazareva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 5. P. 39

A new magnetic method for the quantitative determination of the concentration of magnetic phase $C_M$ in magnetic powders and components made from them is proposed. The method is based on a measurement of the concentrational dependences of the saturation magnetization of powders of the form $I_S = f(c)$ and a comparison of these quantities produced to the value С = 100% (where С is the volume concentration or the packing density of the powder in the measured specimen) with the value $I_S et$ of a standard. A comparison of this method with the results of a determination of the concentration of magnetic phase in powders by X-ray structural analysis is given. The results obtained by the two methods agree to within 2-3%. The simplicity and reliability of the method enables it to be used not only for scientific research but also directly under industrial conditions.

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The second-order coulomb correction in the elastic scattering of electrons by nuclei in the shell model

The second-order coulomb correction in the elastic scattering of electrons by nuclei in the shell model

В.K. Kerimov, M.Ya. Safin, and I.M.Al. Khamis (Iraq)

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. N 5.

Accurate and approximate expressions are obtained for the correction of the second Born approximation $δМ^(c)$ to the amplitude of elastic scattering of electrons by nuclei taking into account the form-factors of the charge distribution of the shell model. It is shown that in the approximation considered the logarithmically divergent part of the correction (with respect to the regularizing mass of the photon) can be separated into an amplitude phase factor. The effect of the regular mass $δМ^(c)$ on the cross section of the first Born approximation is illustrated graphically using the example of а С^12 nuclear target.

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Dimensionality of space as based on a metric

Dimensionality of space as based on a metric

G.E. Gorelik

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 5. P. 50

A new approach to the dimensionality of space-time is proposed and makes it possible to vary the dimensionality, depending on the scale of the phenomenon.

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Experimental investigations of the effect of a moving temperature wave

Experimental investigations of the effect of a moving temperature wave

E.Yu. Zhdanova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 5. P. 54

Effect of heating in a superhigh vacuum on the charging of a natural germanium surface

Effect of heating in a superhigh vacuum on the charging of a natural germanium surface

V.A. Matveev and R.V. Prudnikov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 5. P. 56

An electromagnetic wave in a gravitational field and experiments on the red shift of spectral lines

An electromagnetic wave in a gravitational field and experiments on the red shift of spectral lines

L.S. Kuz'menkov and N.D. Naumov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 5. P. 58

Procedure of measuring the probability of the Mossbauer effect on Те^125

Procedure of measuring the probability of the Mossbauer effect on Те^125

A.A. Opalenko and 0.I. Vorob'eva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 5. P. 61

Correlation of bottom reverberation on dipole receivers in one case of emission of a tonal pulse

Correlation of bottom reverberation on dipole receivers in one case of emission of a tonal pulse

N.S. Vinogradov, F.V. Rozhin, and 0.S. Tonakanov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 5. P. 64

A construction for a cherenkov counter with a solid resonator

A construction for a cherenkov counter with a solid resonator

S.A. Vysotskii, A.A. Gusev and G.I. Pugacheva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 5. P. 67

Heat-up of amorphous semiconducting layer in field of light

Heat-up of amorphous semiconducting layer in field of light

A.B. Timofeev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 5. P. 69