Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Issue 4, 1979

Nonresonant maxima for many-boson processes

Nonresonant maxima for many-boson processes

V.I. Grigor'ev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 1

We examine theoretically the dependence of the probabilities of elastic and inelastic processes on the intensity of boson beams incident on a "target". As the intensity increases, the probabilities initially grow (generally not according to a linear law), reach a maximum, and then begin to die away. The maxima discussed in this paper are of a purely kinematical origin: they are due to the boson statistics and not to possible resonant properties of the target. Estimates are made for the optimum case, where all the boson wave packets are identical and interference effects are therefore most noticeable.

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On the scattering of a two-dimensional gas of free charge carriers by coulomb centers at the surface of semiconductors

On the scattering of a two-dimensional gas of free charge carriers by coulomb centers at the surface of semiconductors

S.A. Venkstern and S.N. Kozlov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 7

We carry out a detailed analysis of different approaches to the problem of the scattering of a two-dimensional gas of electrons by an unscreened Coulomb potential. On the basis of numerical estimates for the oblique (100) surface of silicon, we draw the conclusion that the Born approximation is inapplicable, whereas the validity of the quasiclassical approximation is not in doubt. It is shown that in attempting a crude account of screening, several authors have used internally inconsistent premises.

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Mass operator of electrons interacting with acoustic phonons in the vicinity of a van hove singularity

Mass operator of electrons interacting with acoustic phonons in the vicinity of a van hove singularity

Yu.P. Drozhzhov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 15

The interaction of acoustic phonons with electrons near a saddle-point singularity is investigated. An expression for the mass operator is obtained by a method which does not make use of perturbation theory.

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Several questions in quasilinear plasma theory

Several questions in quasilinear plasma theory

L.S. Kuz'menkov and P.A. Polyakov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 26

In the framework of the quasilinear theory of plasma with radiative braking taken into account, we examine the change in the average distribution function and its first moments. It is shown that during the propagation of Langmuir waves in the plasma the radiative effects lead to an additional change in the distribution function. For this the total energy of the particles of the plasma is not conserved. We make numerical estimates of the rate of loss of the plasma energy. Effects due to radiative braking are manifested also during the propagation of electromagnetic waves and lead to the entrainment of the particles by the wave. The corresponding change of the distribution function with tine is found.

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On polarization effects in neutrino annihilation of colliding electron-positron beams

On polarization effects in neutrino annihilation of colliding electron-positron beams

В.K. Kerimov, A.M. Tikhomirov and S.Kh. Buzardan

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 34

We evaluate the differential and total cross sections for the process of annihilation of longitudinally polarized electrons and positrons into neutrino-antineutrino pairs due to the (S,P,T) and (V,A) versions of the weak interaction of neutral currents of neutrinos and electrons. It is shown that taking the polarization of the initial particles into account enables one to distinguish the contributions of the (S,P,T) and (V,A) types of neutral-current coupling. For parallel transverse polarization of е^+ and е^-, only the S and T versions of the interaction contribute; for antiparallel transverse polarization, only the P and T versions. In the (V, A) case with transverse polarization of е^+ and е^- the cross section has azimuthal asymmetry.

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Effect of plasmon dispersion in inelastic scattering of fast electrons with deep hole excitation in fietals

Effect of plasmon dispersion in inelastic scattering of fast electrons with deep hole excitation in fietals

F.A. Zhivopistsev and F.E. Komas

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 41

We investigate the effect of plasmon dispersion in the inelastic scattering of fast electrons with excitation of a deep hole in metals. It is shown that allowance for plasmon dispersion leads to the replacement of singular satellite peaks in the energy-transfer spectrum by finite maxima. With the growth of the energy transfer the differential cross section of the processes falls off according to an exponential law.

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Calculation of epr spectra of elements of the iron group using second-order perturbation theory (II)

Calculation of epr spectra of elements of the iron group using second-order perturbation theory (II)

A.I. Terent'evskii and V.N. Lazukin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 47

The spin-Hamiltonian formalism for paramagnetic systems is examined for ions of the iron group. More exact analytical expressions are obtained for the angular dependence of the fine EPR spectra for different symmetries. The results of the theoretical investigation are presented graphically for a number of systems.

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On a single method of symbolic representation of cascade and parallel connections of normal n-wire networks

On a single method of symbolic representation of cascade and parallel connections of normal n-wire networks

V.I. Shestakov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 55

In this paper we set forth a method of symbolic representation of cascade and parallel connections of normal n-wire networks, i.e. processions of non-interacting two-terminal networks. The complexity of the representation of the cascade and parallel connections of the normal n-wire networks'by means of a procession of n two-terminal networks is proportional to the number n, whereas if matrices are used it is proportional to the square of this number. Therein lies the main advantage of the "procession" method proposed in this article over the usual matrix method of describing such connections of normal n-wire networks.

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Determination of the resolving power of spatial modulators of light

Determination of the resolving power of spatial modulators of light

A.A. Volodin, V.G. Mal'shakov, A.I. Nagaev and V.N. Parygin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 68

We examine theoretically the resolving power of a spatial modulator of light based on an electro-optic crystal. The problem is solved under the assumption that the density of charge deposited on the surface of the crystal is proportional to the current density in the electron beam. The results obtained in this paper permit estimation of the resolving power of a modulator as a function of its parameters at any level of contrast of the image that is formed.

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Diffraction of cylindrical waves on annular periodic structures

Diffraction of cylindrical waves on annular periodic structures

Yu.A. Pirogov, N.F. Ryapolov, and N.A. Simonov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 73

We examine the diffraction of cylindrical waves on a grating of perfectly conducting rings of finite thickness. By the method of partial regions we obtain expressions for the field scattered by the structure. For gratings with narrow spacings we give approximate conditions for the resonant transmission of cylindrical waves through a structure with large outer and-arbitrary inner radii of the annular structure. It is shown that for small inner radii of the rings a more efficient interaction of the electron current with the harmonics of the retarded waves is possible than in the planar case.

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On the kinetics of slow relaxation of charge on the surface of germanium over a wide time interval

On the kinetics of slow relaxation of charge on the surface of germanium over a wide time interval

S.N. Kozlov and N.L. Levshin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 83

The kinetics of slow relaxation of charge on actual surfaces of germanium с are investigated over a wide time interval (5x10^(-4)—10^5 sec). It is shown that the leakage of the excess charge of slow states in a vacuum 10^(-4)—10^(-6)Pa occupies 5 to 7 orders of time. The wide spectrum of characteristic time constants of the slow states Is explained by a distribution of the height and width of the barriers separating the slow states from the bulk of the semiconductor. Possible mechanisms of charge exchange between the slow states and the bulk of the semiconductor are discussed.

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Physically homogeneous spaces with rotation

Physically homogeneous spaces with rotation

V.G. Agakov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 88

Without using Einstein's equations we find, the metrics of all physically homogeneous nonstationary spaces with rotation. We obtain an exact solution of Einstein's equations with the energy-momentum tensor of an ideal medium for one of these metrics. It is shown that the resulting cosmological model is a nonstationary generalization of Godel's model.

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First approximation to single-particle distribution function in the statistical correlation theory of crystals

First approximation to single-particle distribution function in the statistical correlation theory of crystals

P.N. Nikolaev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 97

На основе введения корреляционных функций в первом приближении получено интегральное уравнение с ограниченным ядром для одночастичной функции распределения. Рассматривается вопрос об учете коллективных колебаний в корреляционной теории.

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On the thermodynamically equivalent hamiltonian in the dicke model with allowance for lattice vibrations

On the thermodynamically equivalent hamiltonian in the dicke model with allowance for lattice vibrations

I.K. Kudryavtsev and A.S. Shumovskii

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 101

Рассмотрено обобщение модели Дикке, описывающее взаимодействие кристалла с когерентным электромагнитным полем в случае длинноволновых фотонов. В гамильтониан включены оператор, соответствующий эффективному взаимодействию между диполями, и оператор диполь-фононного взаимодействия. В приближении конечного числа мод фононного поля при переходе к термодинамическому пределу произведено расцепление фотонной, фононной и дипольной подсистем и найдена перенормировка диполь-дипольного взаимодействия за счет диполь-фотонного и дипольфононного взаимодействий.

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Direct calculation of path integral for particle in random field

Direct calculation of path integral for particle in random field

Sh.N. Gifeisman

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 105

Вычисляется интеграл по траекториям для частицы в неупорядоченной системе в случае, когда функционал в показателе экспоненты квадратичен по координатам частицы. Расчет основан на интегрировании по траекториям в Фурье-представлении и выполнен путем диагонализации квадратичной формы, возникающей в показателе экспоненты.

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On allowance for the dependence of the coefficients of the distribution function of an equilibrium crystal on the distance between sites

On allowance for the dependence of the coefficients of the distribution function of an equilibrium crystal on the distance between sites

I.I. Ol'khovskii

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 111

Получено решение «цепочки» ББГКИ для равновесного кристалла в первом приближении по температуре с учетом зависимости коэффициентов бинарной и тернарной функций распределения от расстояний между узлами кристалла. Получены соответствующие термодинамические уравнения состояния.

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Uniaxial generation in YAG:ND$^{3+}$ continuous ring laser with nonplanar resonator

Uniaxial generation in YAG:ND$^{3+}$ continuous ring laser with nonplanar resonator

Yu.D. Golyaev, K.N. Evtyukhov and L.N. Kaptsov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 116

It is proposed to use the properties of nonplanar ring resonators for obtaining unidirectional and single-frequency generation in solid state lasers. Experimental results confirming the existence of such a regime are given.

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Amplitude structure of near sound field for oblique incidence of plane sound wave on circular cylinder

Amplitude structure of near sound field for oblique incidence of plane sound wave on circular cylinder

M.I. Arzhanov, F.V. Rozhin and O.S. Tonakanov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 122

Приводятся результаты теоретического расчета ближнего поля акустически мягкого цилиндра при наклонном падении плоской звуковой волны. Рассмотрена амплитудная структура поля звукового давления, радиальной и осевой составляющих колебательной скорости в диапазоне значений волнового параметра цилиндра 0,25≤kr(o)≤8, где r(o) — радиус цилиндра, при удалениях от поверхности цилиндра до 8 длин волн.

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On the phase correction for transient thermal self-action

On the phase correction for transient thermal self-action

V.A. Vysloukh and S.S. Chesnokov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 126

Рассматривается задача о динамической фазовой коррекции нестационарного теплового самовоздействия осесимметричного импульса в неподвижной среде. Для численного решения уравнения квазиоптики применяется метод конечных элементов, уравнение теплопроводности интегрируется с помощью преобразования Фурье — Бес- селя. Приведены результаты расчета для некомпенсированного и скомпенсированного импульсов. Показано, что фазовая коррекция может существенно подавить тепловое расплывание.

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Features of the propagation of a light beam in a medium moving at nearly the speed of sound

Features of the propagation of a light beam in a medium moving at nearly the speed of sound

K.D. Egorov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 128

Численно исследуется тепловое самовоздействие пучка в среде, движущейся с околозвуковой (M≤l) скоростью. Получено, что при 0,95≤М<1 наряду с интегральной дефокусировкой пучка может развиваться локальная самофокусировка отдельных его частей.

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On the possibility of eliminating typical errors in modulation radiospectroscopy

On the possibility of eliminating typical errors in modulation radiospectroscopy

N.I. Shpin'kov and P.P. Olefirenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 131

Рассматриваются причины типичных искажений производной линии поглощения магнитного резонанса. Экспериментально показана возможность их устранения в случае ФМР путем амплитудно-фазовой стабилизации модулирующего магнитного поля с последующей настройкой спектрометра на сигнал поглощения. В качестве критерия правильности регистрируемого сигнала используется выполнение условия ∫_∞^∞〖Y'(H)dH=0〗.

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Measurement of flow velocity in a channel using a laser doppler hydrometer

Measurement of flow velocity in a channel using a laser doppler hydrometer

N.K. Shelkovnikov, V.V. Rozanov, M.V. Solntsev and A.A. Zamyatin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 134

В статье приведены данные о вертикальном распределении скорости потока жидкости в открытом прямоугольном канале со свободной границей, полученные с помощью лазерного допплеровского измерителя скорости (ЛДИС). Обсуждены преимущества данного метода по сравнению с другими, применяемыми в настоящее время.Для измерения использовалась дифференциальная схема ЛДИС. Приведены основные характеристики примененной схемы. Измерения проводились в канале с размерами 56x60x400 мм в потоке жидкости при Re≤llOO. Для всех полученных профилей скорости характерно наличие в приповерхностном слое участка с отрицательным значением градиента скорости. Проведено сопоставление полученных результатов с материалами других исследований.

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Velocity distribution and flow structure behind transient shock wave formed in the detonation of a spherical charge in air

Velocity distribution and flow structure behind transient shock wave formed in the detonation of a spherical charge in air

V.T. Markin, N.N. Sysoev, and F.V. Shugaev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 138

Содержится описание экспериментального исследования поля течения за нестационарной ударной волной, образующейся при взрыве в воздухе конденсированного заряда сферической формы. Измерено распределение скорости потока, газа за ударной волной, экспериментально обнаружено существование вторичных ударных волн. Рассмотрена структура потока. На близких расстояниях от заряда она имеет довольно высокую степень неоднородности. Сравнение полученного распределения скорости потока газа с численным расчетом показало хорошее согласие.

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On the choice of interaction in the Bogolyubov method of approximate hamiltonians

On the choice of interaction in the Bogolyubov method of approximate hamiltonians

A.S. Shumovskii

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 142

Для произвольной системы с парным нефакторизуемым взаимодействием типа дальнодействия указаны условия на потенциал, обеспечивающий применимость метода аппроксимирующих гамильтонианов Для получения точного в термодинамическом пределе решения.

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Transient reflection of explosion shock wave from a sphere

Transient reflection of explosion shock wave from a sphere

N.N. Sysoev and F.V. Shugaev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 146