Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Global balance of SW-band electromagnetic energy in circumterrestrial space

Global balance of SW-band electromagnetic energy in circumterrestrial space

A.G. Kolesnik, S.A. Kolesnik, P.M. Nagorskii

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 4. P. 4

Numerical experiments were carried out with a mathematical model describing the planetary distribution of the radio emission stream coming from groundbased radio stations of the SW band. The fractions of energy absorbed by the ionosphere, absorbed by the Earth surface, and emitted into space were determined as functions of the season and universal time.

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Diurnal and weekly variations of peroxy radical concentration due to varying industrial load in Moscow

Diurnal and weekly variations of peroxy radical concentration due to varying industrial load in Moscow

N.F. Elanskii$^1$, G.I. Kuznetsov$^2$, O.A. Terekhova$^2$

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 4. P. 8

Concentrations of some minor gas components were measured in Moscow in the winter-spring period of 1996. The dynamics of peroxy radical concentrations was evaluated on the basis of a one-dimensional photochemical model, taking into account the variable insolation, which depends on the cloud cover and the level of urban atmosphere pollution. Diurnal and weekly periods were found in the concentration behavior. They are associated with the city's industrial rhythm. The total concentration of peroxy radicals can serve as an air purity indicator.

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Millimeter-wave investigation of the ozone layer over Moscow Region in 1996-1997

Millimeter-wave investigation of the ozone layer over Moscow Region in 1996-1997

S.V. Solomonov, E.P. Kropotkina, A.N. Lukin, S.B. Rozanov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 4. P. 13

The altitude-time distribution of ozone in the stratosphere and mesosphere over the Moscow region was studied with the aid of a radio spectrometer operating in the 2-mm wave band in the period from January 1996 to May 1997. A significant reduction in the relative concentration of ozone was discovered at the altitudes of 30 to 40 km in winter periods.

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Tsunami hazard assessment for the Black Sea

Tsunami hazard assessment for the Black Sea

S.F. Dotsenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 4. P. 17

The contemporary state of tsunami research for the Black Sea is reviewed. General physical and geographical parameters of historical tsunamis are summarized based on tide-gauge observations and verbal descriptions. Probable source zones of catastrophic waves were located. Physical patterns of tsunami propagation in the open sea and in the shelf zone were derived by numerical modeling.

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Effect of submarine earthquakes on a stratified ocean

Effect of submarine earthquakes on a stratified ocean

M.A. Nosov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 4. P. 23

Temperature anomalies were discovered on the water surface above large submarine earthquakes in the Solomon Islands and Philippines regions. Physical mechanisms that generate these anomalies and possible accompanying phenomena are discussed.

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Effect of surface pollutions on convective mixing in upper water layers

Effect of surface pollutions on convective mixing in upper water layers

N.S. Blokhina, A.E. Ordanovich

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 4. P. 28

The influence of surface pollutions on the processes of convective m1x1ng in the upper water layer is studied for different weather conditions. The authors' mathematical model of Langmuir circulations (LC) is employed. It is shown that pollutions reduce the intensity of LC motions and may even suppress them, especially at high wind velocities. They also increase both the surface current velocities and the velocity difference between the convergence and divergence areas in the LCs.

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Measurements of nonequilibrium processes at the sea-atmosphere boundary: implications for ecological problems

Measurements of nonequilibrium processes at the sea-atmosphere boundary: implications for ecological problems

E.V. Karavaeva, Yu.Yu. Usbakova, V.A. Tverdislov, G.G. Khundzhua

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 4. P. 32

Marine surveys were carried out in the Black Sea to investigate variations of the fractionation coefficients of sea-water macrocomponents in a sea-surface microlayer as a function of temperature gradients in a cold sea film and to evaluate daily pH variations in a surface microlayer and in subsurface water.

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Effect of the cation composition of carbonates on their thermal properties

Effect of the cation composition of carbonates on their thermal properties

I.A. Il'in, G.I. Petrunin, V.G. Popov, V.M. Ladygin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 4. P. 37

A specific behavior of the heat conductivity and thermal diffusivity of isomorphic carbonates was studied experimentally under normal conditions. A new semiempirical formula was derived for the dependence of the heat conductivity of isomorphic minerals on a metallic ion mass-to-anion mass ratio. It was found that the heat conductivity and thermal diffusivity of carbonates decreased with the increasing of the values of their mean atomic weights (or metallic cation masses).

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Ecologo-geopbysical function of the lithosphere

Ecologo-geopbysical function of the lithosphere

V.A. Bogoslovskii$^1$, A.D. Zhigalin$^2$, D.G. Ziling$^1$, V.T. Trofimov$^1$, V.K. Khmelevskoi$^1$

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 4. P. 43

The geophysical constituent of the ecologic function of the lithosphere is discussed with an emphasis of its great role in maintaining energy necessary for life on the Earth.

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Information technologies for predicting natural catastrophes, ecological calamities, and technogenic emergencies based on OKO global monitoring system

Information technologies for predicting natural catastrophes, ecological calamities, and technogenic emergencies based on OKO global monitoring system

A.I. Savin$^1$, V.N. Strakhov$^2$, S.M. Bolotov$^1$, V.G. Bondur$^1$, K.A. Vlasko-Vlasov$^1$, G.V. Givishvili$^3$, V.N. Malyutin$^1$, Yu.A. Pirogov$^4$

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 4. P. 47

Radiophysical methods for monitoring heliogeophysical and seismic conditions are used for creating a real-time information support of high-reliability shortterm prediction of the location and time of very strong earthquakes, detection of high-power underground and atmospheric nuclear explosions, and prediction of short-wave radio signal propagation conditions determining the performance of communication and radar systems.

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Modeling of ionosphere's and protonosphere's influence on the accuracy of atmospheric parameters reconstruction by radio occultation technique

Modeling of ionosphere's and protonosphere's influence on the accuracy of atmospheric parameters reconstruction by radio occultation technique

V.I. Zakharov, V.E. Kunitsyn

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 4. P. 53

Propagation media may significantly affect the accuracy of meteorological profiles produced in experiments with the GPS/GLONASS global satellite systems. Atmospheric structures may be "shaded" by ionospheric ones, and false perturbations may arise on the profiles. Nonuniform ionospheric structures, such as sporadic formations, may cause temperature profile errors of 1 K or greater at 10-35 km.

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Nonlinear fluorimetry as a diagnostic method for natural organic complexes

Nonlinear fluorimetry as a diagnostic method for natural organic complexes

V.V. Fadeev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 4. P. 60

This paper summarizes the results of research into fluorescence saturation of natural organic complexes. Problems are analyzed that have to be solved in order to make nonlinear fluorimetry (saturation fluorimetry) a fundamentally new method of spectroscopy enabling one to determine molecular photophysical parameters of composite organic compounds and complexes $\textit{in vivo}$ and $\textit{in situ}$. Two approaches are offered for solving inverse problems of saturation fluorimetry. The results of computer and actual experiments are presented that illustrate the possibilities of nonlinear laser fluorimetry in natural organic complexes diagnostics.

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Luminescence of organic compounds-components of natural dissolved organic substance

Luminescence of organic compounds-components of natural dissolved organic substance

K.G. Evsyukhina, S.V. Patsaeva, V.I. Yuzhakov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 4. P. 73

The spectral-luminescent properties of compounds-chemical analogues of natural components of dissolved organic substance in fresh-water basins are reported. The compounds studied in aqueous solutions of various concentrations included aromatic amino acids tyrosine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan, hydroquinone, and gallic acid. The pH dependences of the absorption and luminescence spectra were determined.

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Physical foundations for radiometric monitoring of atmospheric minor gas components

Physical foundations for radiometric monitoring of atmospheric minor gas components

Sh.D. Kitai, A.P. Naumov, N.N. Osharina

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 4. P. 79

Rotational spectrum data are presented for minor gas components which possess dipole moments. A set of components was established that can be diagnosed in the low and medium atmosphere by microwave radiometry techniques in observations from the Earth surface and from satellites, including limb sensing.

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Metrological provision of infrasound level measurements

Metrological provision of infrasound level measurements

V.A. Gordienko, B.I. Goncharenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 4. P. 84

It is demonstrated that the response of the vibratory systems of living organisms to acoustic effects depends not only on the sound pressure level (which is predominantly subject to sanitary regulations), but also on the vibration velocity of the particles moving under the sound pressure gradient and the amplitude of their displacement from the equilibrium position. The conclusion is therefore drawn that to correctly regulate sound levels in the low-frequency region, it is necessary to measure simultaneously the sound pressure and the vibration velocity of the particles of the medium.

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The role of heavy metals in the formation of protein clusters in aqueous solutions

The role of heavy metals in the formation of protein clusters in aqueous solutions

G.P. Petrova, Yu.M. Petrusevich, A.N. Evseevicheva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 4. P. 91

The formation of macromolecular protein clusters in the presence of heavy metal ions was discovered using the Rayleigh scattering technique. The conditions attending the formation and destruction of such clusters are studied. It is demonstrated that the mass of the clusters is a maximum at the isoelectric point of the protein and increases with the increasing of ionic strength of the solution. The formation of protein clusters in the presence of toxic heavy metal ions in living cells is of substantial physiological and ecological importance. The molecular mechanism is discussed whereby such clusters are formed.

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