Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Issue 3, 1967

The equations of classical hydrodynamics taking dissipation processes into account

The equations of classical hydrodynamics taking dissipation processes into account

V.A. Krasnikov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 1

The hydrodynamic equations for a multicomponent classical system are derived taking dissipation processes into account, not on the basis of the kinetic equation but directly in terms of the Bogolyubov equations for the distribution function.

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The theory of a crystal at absolute zero

The theory of a crystal at absolute zero

G. Ochirbat

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 3

Certain properties of a crystal at absolute zero are derived theoretically from the self-consistent equation of quantum mechanics.

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The scattering of electromagnetic waves by plasma waves

The scattering of electromagnetic waves by plasma waves

G.M. Filippov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 7

The scattering of electromagnetic waves by plasma waves is considered from the point of view of Vlasov's set of nonlinear equations for anisotropic plasma in the case when the directions of propagation are the same. In the boundary value problem for a half-space an accumulative effect is found for the combination wave energy of the incident wave. Conditions are established under which an electromagnetic wave becomes space-modulated in an excited plasma, and the period of this modulation is obtained.

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The flow of charged particles to the cathode in a penningtype discharge in high vacuum

The flow of charged particles to the cathode in a penningtype discharge in high vacuum

G.V. Smirnitskaya and R.P. Babertsyan

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 12

A study is made of the ion current in a discharge of the Penning type using a cooled cathode, with a collector consisting of concentric rings, mutually insulated, located in the space behind one of the cathodes, in the center of which there is a hole. The electron current passing through the cathode and incident on a Faraday cylinder placed beyond it is also investigated. Energy distribution curves are given for the ions and electrons in the discharge for different parameters.

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The screened potential of a point charge in a thin film

The screened potential of a point charge in a thin film

N.S. Rytova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 18

The potential of a point charge is calculated, with and without taking screening into account, for a thin semiconductor film the thickness of which is less than the De Broglie wavelength of free carriers.

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The effect of the density gradient on the turbulence characteristics in the active layer of a reservoir

The effect of the density gradient on the turbulence characteristics in the active layer of a reservoir

A.A. Speranskaya

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. N 3.

As a result of field studies, the effect of the stability of the water masses in fresh water reservoirs on the intensity of the vertical and longitudinal component fluctuations of the rate of flow, on the anisotropy of the flow fluctuation, and on the scale of turbulence is demonstrated. Satisfactory agre ent has been obtained between the calculated values of the quantity (ω´^2⃑)^{1/2} and direct measurements,

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Green's functions for coulomb systems with collisions

Green's functions for coulomb systems with collisions

V.N. Mel'nikov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 26

Equations are obtained for the (Green's functions. The kernel of Lenard's equation is evaluated in quadratures and its connection with the Landau kernel (used later)is pointed out. Successive approximations are used to find the form of the Green's function in E- and K-space, and the eigenfrequencies and damping of a system subject to spatial dispersion.

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Radiation of a relativist!с rotator

Radiation of a relativist!с rotator

O.S. Pavlova and A.M. Khapaev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 32

The radiation of a relativistic rotator with spin orientation is investigated by quantum-theoretical methods and compared with synchronous radiation.

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Root criteria for the limiting stability of linear systems

Root criteria for the limiting stability of linear systems

K.F. Teodorchik and L.T. Filimonov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 35

Root criteria for the limiting stability of linear systems, some of the poles of the transmission functions of which lie on the imaginary axis, are discussed.

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The effect of radiation on the motion of electrons in uniform magnetic and weak electrostatic fields

The effect of radiation on the motion of electrons in uniform magnetic and weak electrostatic fields

V.Ch. Zhukovskii and Yu.A. Korovin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 38

The effect of radiation on the motion of relativistic electrons in constant and uniform magnetic and weak electrostatic fields is considered. Both the quantum and classical change in the trajectory is considered by a single method.

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Some geometric properties of an electromagnetic field

Some geometric properties of an electromagnetic field

M.N. Makhanta

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 42

The field energy-momentum tensor provides the basis foi an examination of the geometric structure of an electromagnetic field.

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Calculation of the fluctuations in quantum systems using Gibbs' method

Calculation of the fluctuations in quantum systems using Gibbs' method

Nguen Tang

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 45

Exact relationships are derived by the Gibbs' method for calculating the fluctuations and correlations of quantum systems. A fluctuation-dissi­pation theorem is obtained without using perturbation theory. The re­ sults are used to calculate the mean square displacement of Brownian motion.

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The effect of damping on the polarization properties of recoil electrons in ν⃑e-scattering

The effect of damping on the polarization properties of recoil electrons in ν⃑e-scattering

Yu.P. Ivanov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 57

The formation of a microwave pulse discharge in long tubes

The formation of a microwave pulse discharge in long tubes

P.S. Bulkin, V.N. Ponomarev, and G.S. Solntsev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 49

The spontaneous hall and nernst-ettinghausen effects in ferromagnetic metals

The spontaneous hall and nernst-ettinghausen effects in ferromagnetic metals

S.N. Eremeev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 50

Frequency synchronization using parametric oscillators

Frequency synchronization using parametric oscillators

V.P. Komolov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. N 3.

The vertical propagation of acoustic waves taking viscosity into account

The vertical propagation of acoustic waves taking viscosity into account

Yu.M. Nikolaev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 53

Construction of rotational solutions for unperturbed conservative systems with one degree of freedom in inverse powers of energy

Construction of rotational solutions for unperturbed conservative systems with one degree of freedom in inverse powers of energy

L.D. Akulenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 55

A unified representation of the isotopic and space-time properties of elementary particles

A unified representation of the isotopic and space-time properties of elementary particles

D.D. Ivanenko and B.N. Frolov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 56

Vibrational relaxation in $I_2-He$ and $I_2-Ar$ systems

Vibrational relaxation in $I_2-He$ and $I_2-Ar$ systems

V.D. Kosynkin and N.A. Generalov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 58

The reactive parameters of multitank oscillators with delay

The reactive parameters of multitank oscillators with delay

L.F. Kiseleva, O.A. Kurdyumov, and I.I. Minakova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 60

Certain properties of moving bands at average pressures

Certain properties of moving bands at average pressures

A.A. Zaitsev and N.A. Miskinova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 3. P. 62