Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Specificity of multiwave interaction of an electronic beam and electromagnetic field in a relativistic diffractive generator

A.I. Slepkov, O.V. Gallyamova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2009. 64. N 4. P. 389

  • Article

The mechanisms of self-consistent interaction of tubular relativistic electronic beams with the fields of super-dimensional periodic structure of a relativistic diffractive generator have been studied in the area of $2\pi$-type oscillations of fundamental mode. Numerical analysis was carried out with the use of the matrix multimode method in its nonstationary variation. The electromagnetic field profiles, their mode structure, and their radiation spectrum have been studied. The conditions for generating frequency stabilization concerned with the longitudinal resonance of the surface spatial harmonics and volume resonance at the cutoff frequency of the E 0n mode of cylindrical waveguide have been revealed.

Received: 2008 December 8
Approved: 2009 September 23
84.40.Fe Microwave tubes
A.I. Slepkov, O.V. Gallyamova
Physics Department, Chair of General Physics, Moscow State University, MEI Vidnovskaya SES No. 7, Moscow, Russia
Issue 4, 2009

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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