Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Generation of a Tsunami from the Submarine Landslide Near the East Coast of Sakhalin Island

A. A. Ivanova$^1$, E. A. Kulikov$^1$, I. V. Fine$^2$, B. V. Baranov$^1$

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2018. 73. N 2. P. 234

  • Article

The effect of the generation of tsunami waves caused by collapse of the continental slope and by formation of a submarine landslide near the east coast of Sakhalin Island is reproduced within the framework of a hydrodynamic model. The calculations performed using the numerical hydrodynamic model showed that such a submarine landslide can generate a tsunami wave up to 18 m high on the Sakhalin coast.

Received: 2017 November 10
Approved: 2018 July 23
91.30.Nw Tsunamis
91.50.Xz Submarine landslides
A. A. Ivanova$^1$, E. A. Kulikov$^1$, I. V. Fine$^2$, B. V. Baranov$^1$
$^1$Shirshov Oceanology Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences\
$^2$Institute of Ocean Sciences
Issue 2, 2018

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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