Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Autoionized states in helium-like ions

V.V. Balashov, S.S. Lipovetskii, A.V. Pavlichenkov, A.N. Polyudov, and V.S. Senashenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1971. 26. N 1. P. 48

  • Article

The positions and widths of several of the low-lying single and triple S(+), Р(-) and D(+)resonances are calculated in the diagonalization approximation for all the helium-like ions from Li+ to the tetravalent carbon ion. The results are compared with available experimental and theoretical data.

V.V. Balashov, S.S. Lipovetskii, A.V. Pavlichenkov, A.N. Polyudov, and V.S. Senashenko
Scientific-Research Institute of Nuclear Physics
Issue 1, 1971

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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