Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Community of nature between wehner spots and the blocking effect on passage of particles through single crystals

A.A. Vlasov and V.N. Kuraev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1975. 30. N 5. P. 27

  • Article

A formalism that reveals community of nature between Wehner spots and the block­ ing effect on passage of particles through single crystals is grounded and de­ veloped. The method grew out of the author 1 s work on the theory of the blocking effect, and uses a nonlocal-statistical description of the beam particles, the atoms of the crystal, and the interaction between them.

A.A. Vlasov and V.N. Kuraev
Кафедра теоретической физики
Issue 5, 1975

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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