Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Relation between the blocking effect and rutherford scattering in the nonlocal-statistical theory of the interaction of charged particles with single crystals

N.M. Sadykov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1975. 30. N 6. P. 1

  • Article

The relation between blocking and Rutherford scattering is investigated in Vlasov and Kuraev's nonlocal-statistical theory of orientation effects. A solution is obtained for the initial equation system of the theory in the second approxima­ tion, and it is shown that Rutherford scattering emerges in the second approxi­ mation, while blocking effects are obtained in the first approximation with re­ spect to the charge of the beam particles. The calculation was made without consideration of the screening factor.

N.M. Sadykov
Department of Theoretical Physics
Issue 6, 1975

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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