Issue 6, 1975
Relation between the blocking effect and rutherford scattering in the nonlocal-statistical theory of the interaction of charged particles with single crystals
Relation between the blocking effect and rutherford scattering in the nonlocal-statistical theory of the interaction of charged particles with single crystals
N.M. Sadykov
The relation between blocking and Rutherford scattering is investigated in Vlasov and Kuraev's nonlocal-statistical theory of orientation effects. A solution is obtained for the initial equation system of the theory in the second approxima tion, and it is shown that Rutherford scattering emerges in the second approxi mation, while blocking effects are obtained in the first approximation with re spect to the charge of the beam particles. The calculation was made without consideration of the screening factor.
Show AbstractStability of round pipe flows
Stability of round pipe flows
L.A. Dikii and 0.A. Klitsenko
It is shown that stabillty of rotationally symmetrical perturbations of a flow of an ideal fluid in a round pipe implies that the velocities of asymmetrical perturbations are bounded.
Show AbstractThe polarization of radiation in an undulator
The polarization of radiation in an undulator
A.S. Vshivtsev and V.Ch. Zhukovskii
The intensity of undulator radiation is calculated and its polarization is considered. The direction of the electric field of the radiation is deterrnined for a given frequency and a given wave vector. The maximum undulator length limit at which electron energy losses can be neglected is found.
Show AbstractOn the theory of the generator with optical delay line
On the theory of the generator with optical delay line
V.N. Parygin and Kh. Gassab
The paper presents an experimental study uf a generator with an optical delay line in the feedback circuit. The amplitude and frequency characteristics of the generator are studied at various lengths of the optical delay line. The possjbility of using such a generator for distance measurement is pointed out.
Show AbstractToward a theory of the propagation of finite-amplitude waves in a relaxing medium
Toward a theory of the propagation of finite-amplitude waves in a relaxing medium
В.K. Novikov
The propagation of a wave of finite amplitude in media described by a nonlinear relaxation c(auation is analyzed theoretically. It is shown that inclusion of nonlinear "relaxationn" terms in the dynamic equations results in an increase in the effective value of the nonlinearity in the range ωτ~ 1.
Show AbstractAn investigation of the kinematic structure of a turbulent flow and the motion of solid particles in its bottom region
An investigation of the kinematic structure of a turbulent flow and the motion of solid particles in its bottom region
N.A. Mikhailova and G.S. Fomenko
Statistical analysis (based on motion-picture data) of the paths of neutral buoyancy indicators and heavy particles (mean values and second-order correlation moments for the velocity components) is used to propose a three-layer model of a turbulent flow with solid particles in skipping motion in its bottom region. The presence of a concentration maximum of the solid particles at a fixed distance from the bottom of the flow is explained.
Show AbstractCalculation of electron motion in a symmetrical helical-beam gun
Calculation of electron motion in a symmetrical helical-beam gun
B.A. Volodin, R.M. Islamov, and A.M. Khapaev
A solution algorithm is selected and certain problems of analysis of a spheri cally symmetrical electron gun for use in experimental setups to produce stimu lated emission are discussed.
Show AbstractA study of linear systems with many delays by the root-locus method
A study of linear systems with many delays by the root-locus method
G.A. Bendrikov and V.V. Volkov
Рассмотрены общие свойства корневого годографа трансцендентного характеристического уравнения.Пользуясь этими свойствами, можно путем изменения расположения начальных и предельных точек и асимптотики траекторий корней существенно влиять на динамику сложных систем с запаздыванием. Получено аналитическое уравнение траекторий корней, позволяющее эффективно использовать ЦВМ для анализа и синтеза таких систем.
Show AbstractApproximation of weakly nonlinear discrete structures
Approximation of weakly nonlinear discrete structures
A.V. Egor'ichev, A.S. Prudnikov, and К.V. Chernyshev
A particular case of the theory of waves in discrete structures is examined: waves in weakly inhomogeneous one-dimensional discrete structures. An approxi mate representation is found for the product of a finite number of matrices, which gives a formally simple description of wave processes in structures of this type. Specific examples are used to compare calculations made by the exact and approximate formulas.
Show AbstractOn the directivity of three-phonon interactions
On the directivity of three-phonon interactions
L.K. Zarembo and К.M. Ivanova - Shits
The quantum-mechanical conceptions of the phonon gas are applied for analysis of the three-phonon interaction. It is shown that the directivity of the processes in this interaction depends on the occupation numbers of the phonon branches and is determined by the tendency of the system to maximum entropy. At equilibrium, the energy is, in the general case, distributed nonuniformly among the branches, indicating that three-phonon interactions are insufficient to establish complete thermodynamic equilibrjum. Cases of "coalescence" and decay of phonons are an alyzed.
Show AbstractUse of the lorenz self-action-force method to solve certain problems in classical radiation theory
Use of the lorenz self-action-force method to solve certain problems in classical radiation theory
A.B. Kukanov and A.V. Konstantinovich
The problem of the radiation of a relativistic electron in an electric undulator in the presence of a transparent isotropic ferrodielectric is solved.The angular energy distribution of the radiation is found and analyzed.
Show AbstractAnomalous hall effect in disordered alloys at high temperatures
Anomalous hall effect in disordered alloys at high temperatures
A.B. Granovskii
The coherent-potential approximation is used to calculate the anomalous Hall ef fect (AHE) of a disorde ed alloy in scattering of magnetized conduction-band electrons by an "impurity" scattering potential and the scattering potential related to the thermal vibrations of the lattice. At temperatures above the Debye temperature, the AHE constant can be represented as a linear-quadratic function of temperature. The calculated results are compared with experimental data.
Show AbstractElectron bremsstrahlung on nuclei in strong magnetic fields
Electron bremsstrahlung on nuclei in strong magnetic fields
Yu.M. Loskutov and V.V. Skobelev
Electron bremsstrahlung on nuclei in a strong constant and homogeneous magnetic field is investigated. A formula is obtained for the spectral and angular dis tribution of the radiation with consideration of its polarization.
Show AbstractApproximate calculation of the electron spatial distribution function in an electron-photon shower without consideration of ionization losses
Approximate calculation of the electron spatial distribution function in an electron-photon shower without consideration of ionization losses
A.K. Bakhtadze
An approximate expression is found for the spatial distribution of the electrons and the number of particles in a circle of radius R with energy greater than E in a shower triggered by an electron or photon with an energy E_0, with the condition Е/Е(0)≪1 in the Landau approximation without consideration of ionization losses.
Show AbstractOn the possibility of determination of the electron energy distribution function in a plasma from the spectral line intensities
On the possibility of determination of the electron energy distribution function in a plasma from the spectral line intensities
L.M. Volkova, A.M. Devyatov, E. A. Kral'kina, and S.F. Shushurin
The results of solution of model problems to determine the electron energy dis tribution from the spectral-line intensities are set forth. The accuracy with which the solution is reconstructed is analyzed as a function of the errors of the initial data.
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