Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Application of the root-locus method in the study of absolute stability of nonlinear systems by the Popov criterion

G.A. Bendrikov and G.A. Sidorova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 2. P. 51

  • Article

The Popov frequency-response stability criterion is written in analytic form in terms of general formulas. The transformed Popov's equation is explored by the root-locus method. The stability is determined from the location of the principal points of the root-locus hodograph as a function of the independent parameters q and k.

G.A. Bendrikov and G.A. Sidorova
Department of Physics of Vibrations
Issue 2, 1976

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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