The S,Т,Р,V,А-variants of interaction between neutral and charged leptonic currents are investigated, with attention given to polarization effects, and interference between these two modes of current interactions in elastic νe(¯νe)-scattering is also studied. It is shown that scattering with or without changes in the helicity of the neutrino (or antineutrino) is characterized, in the case of a polarized electron target, by a different dependence of cross sections on the variable y=Ee / Eν(Eqs.(lO)-(ll')). The latest experimental data are employed in developing numerical estimates of the coupling constants for antineutrino scattering (¯ν=¯ν_R), and these estimates are found at variance with those predicted in the Weinberg - Salam model.
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
В. K. Kerimov, S. Kh. Buzardan, I.M. Al - Khamis, and M. Ya. Safin
Department of Theoretical Physics
Department of Theoretical Physics