Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Experimental studies of sea-air heat exchange

N.A. Skorokhvatov, E.G. Andreev, and G.G. Khundzhua

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 28

  • Article

The results of field studies of the total heat flux and effective radiation flux of the sea surface that were made during a 1976 Black Sea expedition are reported. Newly developed instruments were used to obtain curves of the diurnal cycles of these fluxes, and comparative data are presented for open-sea and inshore areas. The influence of an oil film on the heat fluxes from the sea into the atmosphere is illustrated.

N.A. Skorokhvatov, E.G. Andreev, and G.G. Khundzhua
Кафедра физики моря и вод суши
Issue 1, 1978

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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