Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Distribution of the intensity of an electric field resonance-type systems

A.V. Kozar, V.S. Kolesnikov, and Yu.A. Pirogov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 1. P. 64

  • Article

The method of impedance characteristics is used to discuss the distribution of an electric field in multilayer resonance-type systems capable of amplifying the amplitude of the incident field inside the system by Interference effects. Analytic relationships for the intensity of an electric field in layers of different structures are derived using real parameters of dielectrics.

A.V. Kozar, V.S. Kolesnikov, and Yu.A. Pirogov
Department of Microwave Radiophysics
Issue 1, 1978

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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