Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

Magnetic characteristics of highly dispersed iron

O.S. Galkina, L.V. Lazareva, Т.M. Shvets and A.S. Shitova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 1. P. 82

  • Article

The results of an experimental investigation of the concentrational dependence of magnetic characteristics of the form K=f(C)and K=f(Cm), where К is the measured magnetic parameter, С is the concentration of powder in the specimen, and Cm is the iron particle packing density in the specimen, are given. The electrochemical method employed to obtain highly dispersed iron enabled us, by varying the electrochemical electrolysis mode, to obtain powders with different concentrations of the magnetic phase Cm in them. It is shown that all the fundamental magnetic characteristics (the saturation magnetization Is, the remanence Ir, the shape of the hysteresis loop, and the coercive force) depend both on the concentration of the magnetic phase in the initial specimens Сm, and on the particle packing density in the specimen Cm.

O.S. Galkina, L.V. Lazareva, Т.M. Shvets and A.S. Shitova
Issue 1, 1979

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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