Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Determination of the resolving power of spatial modulators of light

A.A. Volodin, V.G. Mal'shakov, A.I. Nagaev and V.N. Parygin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 4. P. 68

  • Article

We examine theoretically the resolving power of a spatial modulator of light based on an electro-optic crystal. The problem is solved under the assumption that the density of charge deposited on the surface of the crystal is proportional to the current density in the electron beam. The results obtained in this paper permit estimation of the resolving power of a modulator as a function of its parameters at any level of contrast of the image that is formed.

A.A. Volodin, V.G. Mal'shakov, A.I. Nagaev and V.N. Parygin
Кафедра физики колебаний
Issue 4, 1979

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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