Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Induced anisotropy in a cylindrical neodymium-doped garnet component

Yu.A. Golyaev, K.N. Evtyukhov, and L.N. Kaptsov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1980. 35. N 1. P. 30

  • Article

A calculation is performed on the induced birefringence in a cylindrical garnet rod having a parabolic temperature distribution. An estimate is made of the effects of the induced anisotropy on the lasing performance and on the gain for linearly polarized radiation in a cavity containing a component in which the birefringence varies over the cross - section. The theoretical results are compared with experiment. The effects of residual stresses have been determined.

Yu.A. Golyaev, K.N. Evtyukhov, and L.N. Kaptsov
Issue 1, 1980

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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