Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

Autodyne detection by reflex klystron with response registration in the reflection circuit

R.V. Lebedev, Yu.A. Pyrogov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1980. 35. N 6. P. 80

  • Article

It is shown experimentally that detections ensitivity can be raised by 1.5 - 2 orders of magnitude when the response to external microwave radiation is registered in the reflector circuit of the generating klystron as compared to response registration in the resonator or cathode circuit. This is explained by the fact that the reflector - circuit response is as strong as that in the resonator circuit, but the noise current(for shot noise) is 3-4 orders of magnitude lower.

R.V. Lebedev, Yu.A. Pyrogov
Issue 6, 1980

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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