Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

The fine structure of spectra of the recombination emission

V.A. Mashtakowa, В.B. Shishkin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1980. 35. N 6. P. 111

  • Article

An energy sufficient to form elementary excitations to levels exceeding the vacuum level of the electron fluid is released on recombination of thermal defects in transition metals. The recombination emission that results from this process is responsible for the experimentally observed fine structure of the volt - ampere characteristics of vacuum diodes with single - crystaltungsten and molybdenum electrodes. Medium - waveelectro - magnetic oscillationsoccur in the diode at zero bias.

V.A. Mashtakowa, В.B. Shishkin
Issue 6, 1980

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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