Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

Artefacts caused by electropolishing of austenite Fe—Ni based alloys

A.Kh. Matutes, N.A. Khatanova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1981. 36. N 2. P. 99

  • Article

It was found in investigating of the structural states in austenitic Fe alloys with 19% Ni and 10% Ru; 27% Ni and 2% Ru, and in an 34.4% Ni with FCC lattices that particles of a solid Fe-Ru solution in NiO form in the course of electrical polishing. No such particles were observed in a Fe alloy with 20% Ni, which has an α phase structure with a BCC lattice. The formation of the(Fe, Ru, Ni)0 particles is attributed to penetration of oxygen atoms into the austenite lattice.

A.Kh. Matutes, N.A. Khatanova
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 2, 1981

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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