The paper describes a device making it possible to i n vestigate irreversible magnetic properties of rocks and minerals in variable magnetic fields up to 600 oersted over a frequency range from 50 Hz to 20 kHz. The residual magnetization is measured by a three-magnet astatic magnetometer with electronic feedback, which makes it possible to automate the measurements and to use a digital recorder. The magnetometer systems makes it possible to monitor the asymmetry of a variable magnetic field and the magnetization of a specimen by this field. Investigations performed with this device showed that the magnitude and stability of the partial ideal residual magnetization of rock specimens depends in a certain manner on the frequency. These effects are attributed to relaxation, induced by the diffusion magnetic aftereffect. The fact that the stability of the ideal residual magnetization is a function of both the temperature and frequency confirms the above causality.
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia