Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Model of the oxygenic conditions of a fresh-water basin with summer heating, taking account of the settling of organic material

V.V. Alexееv, Yu.I. Gorbatov, A.O. Kokorin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1982. 37. N 2. P. 65

  • Article

A mathematical model of the variation in oxygen concentration in a fresh-water basin with radiant heating from above is constructed.In the model, the consumption of oxygen, the oxidation of organic material, and the settling of suspended organics to the bottom are taken into account. The diffusion coefficients of oxygen and organic material and also the rate of settling of the organics are regarded as constant. The boundary condition adopted for oxygen at the water surface is the condition of local thermodynamic equilibrium, taking the consumption of oxygen in the oxidation of organic material in the surface film into account. The system of diffusion. equations obtained is solved numerically on a BESM-6 computer. The results of the calculation are compared with experimental data from the Moscow State University thermal basin. The discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental values of the oxygen concentration is no more than 10$. The model may satisfactorily describe the extremal situation when summer heating of the basin coincides with a prolonged period of calm weather.

V.V. Alexееv, Yu.I. Gorbatov, A.O. Kokorin
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 2, 1982

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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